Student Reports

FAQs Student Progress Reports

  1. How often will parents receive a report?

Three times a year, Autumn, Spring & Summer terms. The exact dates can be found on the school calendar at the start of each academic year.

  1. In what format do parents receive the report?

The report is emailed to both the parent & the student. If a prior request is made it can be printed and posted. We are aiming to reduce paper wastage and the cost of printing where possible.

  1. What do the colours mean?

For all elements of the report: Attendance, punctuality and progress the colours all represent the same premise, Blue - achieving beyond expected, Green - achieving expected, Amber - just below expected and Red - cause for concern. Details of what triggers these colours can be found at the top of the report.

  1. What does the figure in authorised absences stand for?

We take the legal register twice a day, so there are 2 official sessions per day. So if the absences are given as 6, this equates to 3 days. This enables us to account for half days.

  1. How can I see what my son/daughter got their positive/negative points for?

This can be tracked via Class Charts. There is a parents’ app which you can download and set up notifications for when your son/daughter receives points. Please contact the main school office for how to access this.

  1. How are the target grades calculated?

Like most secondary schools nationally, target grades are set using SATS results from Year 6 along with CATs. At Chessington, we aim for our students to achieve outcomes above the national average, so we also included added uplift to ensure that we continue to aim for the very best.

  1. Can their target grade go up or down?

As a general rule, we do not lower target grades, we believe this to be a minimum expectation. Target grades can be raised, this would be initiated by the subject teacher in consultation with the Head of Subject and usually after 2 consecutive ‘blue’ grades.

  1. What contributes to the current working grade?

Teachers will use in-class assessments, homework & classwork. It is not just based on one piece of work. It will be a cumulative grade from the start of the academic year.

  1. What does the +/-/= mean?

These indicate the security of the grade, + means that they are working at the top end of that grade and nearly the next grade. = means that they are solidly working at that grade and - means that they are just beginning to work at that grade.

  1. Who do I contact if I am concerned about the number of reds or anything to do with the report?

The first point of contact will be your son/daughter’s Form Tutor for overall concerns in attendance, punctuality, attitude learning or subject progress. Unless it is an isolated subject concern when this would be addressed with that subject teacher.


Term Year Group Reports Sent  Notes
Autumn Year 7 09/12/2024  
  Year 8 15/11/2024  
  Year 9 22/11/2024  
  Year 10 29/11/2024  
  Year 11 N/A  
  Year 12 and 13 16/12/2024  
Spring Year 7 21/03/2025  
  Year 8 28/03/2025  
  Year 9 06/03/2025  
  Year 10 14/03/2025  
  Year 11 17/03/2025 Mock Results 
  Year 12 and 13 21/03/2025  
Summer Year 7 17/07/2025  
  Year 8 17/07/2025  
  Year 9 17/07/2025  
  Year 10 17/07/2025  
  Year 11



Mock Results

GCSE Exam Results

  Year 12 and 13 21/08/2025