Student Rewards

Student Rewards are led by Mrs Cooper, Assistant Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding, Behaviour & Pastoral Lead.


1 point: Recognition and praise from your form tutor

10 points achieved in one week: Tutor will send home a postcard home

50 points: Tutor call home

100 points: Head of Year award: GREAT bronze badge in assembly together with a certificate.

200 points: Head of Year GREAT silver badge together with a certificate.

300 points: SLT GREAT Gold badge together with a certificate. 

400 points: Awarded the title Chessington School Ambassador and receive a certificate by the Headteacher in assembly. Parents are written to in recognition of your achievements.

The Green Tie Award

In addition to the badges, each week a pupil in every tutor group will be awarded the red tie. The Form Tutor will award this tie to the pupil who has been the GREATEST in the previous week. This may be through the number of achievement points awarded that week or for a particular act that demonstrates them living the values of our school or their contribution to the life of the school in some other way.

Post Cards, Telephone Calls and Communication with Parents

Recognition, encouragement and praise are key to developing a positive climate for learning across the school and for building relationships between pupils, staff and home and so we encourage all staff to regularly celebrate pupils ‘GREATNESS’ by sending postcards home and making telephone calls to parents. 

Each classroom has a GREAT section on the whiteboard to celebrate which students will be receiving verbal praise, postcards home or a phone call to celebrate their greatness.

Publicising Rewards and Promoting Achievement.

A positive climate for learning is created in lessons when pupils receive regular praise and there will be a ‘Recognition’ board in each classroom where pupils who have been GREAT in this subject area.

Pupils should have excellent academic standards, effort, behaviour and participation celebrated in each department, this is an integral part of our behaviour for learning policy therefore, pupil’s work and other achievements should be prominently displayed in classrooms and around

departments.  Recognition Boards in school will celebrate those pupils who are GREAT and have achieved the highest number of Achievement Points each week and those who have been awarded the Red Tie.

Any questions, please see Mrs Cooper.