Curriculum Plans

At Chessington School, we follow the national curriculum. The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools, so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

In order to help students and parents to understand their learning journey, we have a road map for each subject that they study to show how students progress their knowledge and skills. The road map or tier 1, shows all the topics that students will study in that subject from years 7-11.

You may also wish to look at the tier 2 half-term by half-term curriculum plan for each subject. This tells you what students are studying in each topic and what they will be assessed in. It may also include links to what level of knowledge/what key stage they are working on.

Both of these documents are helpful for parents and guardians as they allow you to know what our students are being taught and when they are being taught each topic. This allows you to have conversations with your children at home to discuss some of their learning. One of the best ways to help students learn is to ask them to explain to show they have understood. Please use these documents to ask them lots of questions about their learning journey!

If you have any questions, then please speak to your child's subject teacher in the first instance.

  1. Curriculum Intent and Rationale
  2. Art Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (updated Sept 23)
  3. Art Tier 2 Curriculum Overview 22-23
  4. Business Studies Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (updated Sept 23)
  5. Business Studies Tier 2 Curriculum overview 22-23
  6. Catering Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (updated Sept 23)
  7. Catering Tier 2 Curriculum overview 22-23
  8. Child Development Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (updated Sept 23)
  9. Child Development Tier 2 Curriculum overview 22-23
  10. Computer Science Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  11. Computer Science Tier 2 - updated July 2023
  12. Drama Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (updated Sept 23)
  13. Drama Tier 2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  14. DT Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  15. DT Tier 2 Curriculum overview 22-23
  16. English Tier 1 Curriculum Map 2023-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  17. English Tier 2 Curriculum Overview 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  18. Geography Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  19. Geography Tier 2 Curriculum Overview 23-23 (Updated Sept 23) Current Year 11 Cohort
  20. History Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-34 (Updated Sept 23)
  21. History Tier 2 - updated July 2023
  22. Maths Foundation Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  23. Maths Higher Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  24. Maths Tier 2 Curriculum overview 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  25. Media Tier 1 Chessington Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  26. Media Studies Tier 2 Curriculum overview 22-23
  27. Music Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  28. Music Tier 2 Curriculum overview 22-23
  29. PDW Tier 1 Curriculum Map 22-23
  30. PDW Tier 2 Curriculum overview 22-23
  31. PE Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  32. Religious Studies Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  33. Religious Studies Tier 2 Curriculum overview 22-23
  34. Spanish Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  35. Spanish Tier 2 Curriculum overview 22-23
  36. Biology Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  37. Physics Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)
  38. Chemistry Tier 1 Curriculum Map 23-24 (Updated Sept 23)