House System

When students join Chessington School, they are put into one of four houses; Phoenix, Pegasus, Dragon and Griffin House. Siblings join the same house group. There are regular House and inter-House activities and competitions throughout the year.  House meetings are held fortnightly. All members of the teaching staff are assigned to a House and offer support. Pupils are expected to take part in activities and support the Captains appropriately.

The House system adds more healthy competition as well as motivation and offers competitions such as Spelling Bees, the Great Chessington Bake Off, Christmas Quizzes and more.

Sports Day Cup Winners

2022 - Griffin House, 2021 - Griffin House, 2019 - Griffin House, 2018 - Phoenix House

House Day Cup Winners

2021/2022 - Dragon House


The 4 houses chosen charities for 23/24 are:


Coming Soon

Pegasus charity


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


The House Points system for 2023-2024 starts in September. There are many ways students can collect house points, much through behaviour, good work and kindness but also on our final sports day when the overall winners take the champions cup. You can keep up to date with house points on our scoreboard. CLICK HERE to view the latest House Point scores.

Griffin House

House colour: GREEN

Head of House: Miss Swaysland

Pegasus House

House colour: BLUE

Head of House: Miss Ford

Dragon House

House colour: RED

Head of House: Mr Lucas

Phoenix House

House colour: YELLOW

Head of House: Miss Rutledge


Show support to your House!

You can buy the appropriate coloured House pin badge from our uniform supplier. There are 3 pins in each pack and they cost £5.