

Chessington School uses ClassCharts to upload homework, track student effort, behaviour and detentions. Each student and parent is given a login and instructions upon joining the School, so you can access the details from home or on your phone. If you do have any issues with ClassCharts please contact the school.

To log in, click the link below the logo:



An application that allows teachers, parents and students to keep track of attendance, positive behaviour, homework and detentions.


Points can be awarded for many reasons, and are a regular occurrence in lessons – visit the Student Rewards page of this website.


Points can be issued at the teacher’s discretion for lesson behaviour attitude and effort. All detentions will be clearly set following appropriate application of the school’s Warning, Choice and Consequence (WCC) system and clear communication of consequence for students.

C1 Detention is 30 minutes … where appropriate according to the professional judgement of a classroom teacher. Teacher will have a restorative conversation with students when they are sitting the detention.
C2 Detention is 60 minutes … where appropriate according to the professional judgement of a classroom teacher.
C3 detention is 75 minutes on a Friday only.

Saturday's detentions will be issued for an accumulation of too many detentions in a set period of time.


Homework will be posted on ClassCharts from the class teacher on a regular basis. Please keep track of your child’s homework and ensure they are checking the system daily.


Badges, certificates and a rewards' assembly are held once per term. For further details visit the Student Rewards page of this website.